Over $89-Million in Federal Money Coming to Saskatchewan for Projects Related to COVID-19 Pandemic

The federal government says it is adjusting the Canada Infrastructure Program so that provinces and territories can better deal with the pressures brought on by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis.

Of the $3.3 billion dollars made available, about $89.6 million will be coming to Saskatchewan.

The federal cost-sharing is up to 80 per cent for provinces, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations.

The government says the application process is being simplified so projects can get underway as soon as possible.

Eligibility criteria have been expanded; as an example, mobile phone and cellular projects are now eligible as are inter-city transit.

The money can also be used for retrofitting schools to deal with the pandemic, upgrading hospitals and long-term care homes, and even building parks, cycling, and walking paths.


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