A good stretching routine is the latest recommendation to help reduce high blood pressure.
That from a new study at the University of Saskatchewan that shows stretching is a superior way to reduce blood pressure, when compared to brisk walking. Kinesiology professor Dr. Phil Chilibeck says their study recruited a group of people with high blood pressure, and split them into groups. One group that did a traditional walking exercise program 5 days a week for 8 weeks, the other that did a stretching program for the same time frame. He says the stretching program was surprisingly beneficial for reducing blood pressure, while the walking program was more beneficial for reducing body fat.
Chilibeck says he wouldn’t discourage anyone from walking, as it is still a very healthy choice, but he would suggest adding stretching into exercise routines aimed at reducing blood pressure. He suggests even a few stretches of the large muscle groups in the lower body, everyday, could be effective.
Chilibeck says the next steps for their study will be to replicate the same results, with a larger group of people, and look at the mechanisms of how stretching is achieving those results.