- As of November 2nd, there are 107 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 77,902 reported cases
- The new cases are located in the Far North West (9), Far North East (3), North West (12), North Central (2), North East (2), Saskatoon (29), Central West (1), Central East (11), Regina (22), South Central (4) and South East (3) zones and nine (9) new cases have pending residence information
- Sixteen (16) cases with pending residence information were assigned to Far North West (from October 31 (1)), Far North East (from October 31 (2)), North West (from September 18 (1), October 8 (1)), North Central (from October 31 (1)), Central East (from October 30 (7)), and Regina (from September 30 (1), October 6 (1) and October 12 (1)) zones
- Three (3) cases were added to total case counts; two (2) SK residents tested out of province were added to Saskatoon (from October 26) and one (1) SK resident assumed to be tested in a private lab was added to Far North West (from October 23)
- One (1) duplicate case was removed from Far North West (from September 21)
A detailed map of COVID-19 case locations can be found here.
- 77,902 cases are confirmed
- 19,055 cases are from the North area (8,466 North West, 7,798 North Central, 2,791 North East)
- 18,766 cases are from the Saskatoon area
- 15,314 cases are from the Regina area
- 9,476 cases are from the South area (2,099 South West, 2,838 South Central, 4,539 South East)
- 9,129 cases are from the Far North area (4,270 Far North West, 541 Far North Central, 4,318 Far North East)
- 5,551 cases are from the Central area (1,393 Central West, 4,158 Central East)
- 611 cases have pending residence information
- 1,829 cases are considered active and 75,214 cases are considered recovered
- Less than one-third (31.8%) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39 years
- Less than half (40.7%) of new cases eligible for vaccination (aged 12 years and older) were fully vaccinated
- As of November 2nd, a total of 222 individuals are hospitalized, including 174 inpatient hospitalizations and 48 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 222 patients, 154 (69.4) were not fully vaccinated.
- In addition to SK ICUs, there are 26 residents in out-of-province ICUs. As these patients are receiving care out of province, this number is not included in the hospitalization counts in dashboard.
- Five (5) new death reported today. 859 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died, with a case fatality rate of 1.1%.
- 1,229,233 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of October 31, 2021, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 1,037,421 tests performed per million population. The national rate was 1,218,883 tests performed per million population.
- The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 185 (15.4 new cases per 100,000)