New project announced by the Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society

The Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society launched their capital campaign for building The Interpretive Station at The Flour Mill.

Chair Terry Tyson says there’s been a lot of effort put in by the society to get to this stage.

“We’ve been working for at least a year in the background trying to get ourselves organized, plan things out, start to ask companies and corporations for support and we’re starting to move the needle on that, which is why we’re able to announce (this) today.” Tyson said.

The Interpretive Station will include office space, an events space that will fit 125 people, an interpretive centre and space for the Kinsmen Club of Yorkton and the community archives.

Tyson notes that one of the goals of the project is to restore the site as a cultural gathering hub in the city.

“The other main goal of the project is educating and fostering a reconnection between society and agriculture,” he said. “And little by little society gets a little bit more distant from agriculture, so we think it’s pretty vital to our area, to Western Canada really, to start to restore that connection in agriculture and where our food comes from.”

The estimated cost is 2.2-million dollars, and so far over 700-thousand has been raised.

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