- As of January 31st , there are 736 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 118,606 reported cases.
- The new cases are located in the Far North West (3), Far North Central (3), Far North East (7), North West (32), North Central (56), North East (16), Saskatoon (233), Central West (16), Central East (77), Regina (146), South West (17), South Central (38) and South East (25) zones and 67 new cases have pending residence information.
- Of the 736 new cases reported today, 111 were unvaccinated or fewer than 21 days after their first dose, 26 had received their first dose or were less than 21 days from their second dose, 352 were fully vaccinated or more than 14 days since their second dose and 247 were fully vaccinated and more than 14 days from receiving their booster dose.
- 73 cases with pending residence information were assigned to the Far North West (1), Far North East (2), North West (12), North Central (34), North East (2), Saskatoon (9), Central West (1), Central East (1), Regina (5), South West (3), South Central (1), and South East (2) zones. Details of reassignments are included in a one time table included at the end of the report.
- 12 SK residents tested out-of-province were added to the Far North West (from January 28 (2)), North West (from January 28 (1)), Saskatoon (from January 27 (2), January 28 (3), January 29 (1)), Regina (from January 28 (2)), South West (from January 28 (1)) zones.
A detailed map of COVID-19 case locations can be found here.
- 118,606 cases are confirmed
- 30,805 cases are from the Saskatoon area
- 25,070 cases are from the Regina area
- 25,019 cases are from the North area (10,829 North West, 10,530 North Central, 3,660 North East)
- 15,844 cases are from the South area (3,262 South West, 4,772 South Central, 7,810 South East)
- 10,447 cases are from the Far North area (4,902 Far North West, 597 Far North Central, 4,948 Far North East)
- 9,612 cases are from the Central area (2,225 Central West, 7,387 Central East)
- 1,809 cases have pending residence information
- 12,208 cases are considered active and 105,406 cases are considered recovered.
- Over one-third (34.8%) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39.
- As of January 31st a total of 363 individuals are hospitalized; including 321 inpatient hospitalizations, and 42 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 363 patients, 112 (30.9%) were not fully vaccinated.
- The SHA dashboard includes 363 hospitalizations:
- 321 residents are inpatient: of those, 118 inpatient hospitalizations are a COVID-19-related illness, 165 are incidental COVID-19 infections, and 38 have not yet been determined.
- 41 residents are in ICUs: of those, 33 are for COVID-19-related illnesses, and eight (8) are for incidental COVID-19 infections. One (1) resident is in PICU/NICU for COVID-19-related illness.
- Two (2) new deaths reported today. A total of 992 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died with a case fatality rate of 0.8%.
- 1,438,372 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of January 27, 2022, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 1,204,072 tests performed. The national rate was 1,470,417 tests performed per million.
- The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 1,162 (96.4 new cases per 100,000).