Sewer Main Relining to Occur This Year in the City of Melville

Some sewer mains in the City of Melville will be relined this year.

Relining extends lifespan, reduces the amount of infiltration as well as the number of collapses that result in sewer backups to residential properties.

First Avenue East, Second Avenue East, Sixth Avenue West, Prince Edward Street and Centennial Crescent are locations that will see this work done.

Residents will be notified when work on their street will commence, through the City’s social media platforms or hand-deliver notices.

The City awarded the tender to McGill’s Industrial Services for a total cost of $242,196.45 which is $22,196.45 over-budget.

However, the City gets GST back, meaning the projects are over-budget by only $7,411.08.

There were 5 other proposals submitted: Insituform Technologies Limited, IVIS Construction, Alberta Pipe Inspection Ltd., Superior City Services Ltd., and Maple Leaf Construction Ltd.

In a report given to Melville City Council, McGill’s Industrial Services has “extensive relining experience and excellent references” and have worked in Melville before with a sewer relining project in 2020.

The City’s RFP stipulated the work needs to be done between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. to “cause the least disruption to residents” after the City received multiple complaints of odor and noise during last year’s relining work.

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