Harvest operations have kicked off in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Agriculture reports three per cent of the crop is now combined, well ahead of the five-year average (2016-2020) of less than one percent harvested for this time of year.
Another three per cent of the crop in the province is ready to straight combine and that number will quickly rise as crops are rapidly drying down from the heat.
Minimal rain and hot temperatures this past week have resulted in a further reduction in provincial topsoil moisture. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as three per cent adequate, 31 per cent short and 66 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated as two per cent adequate, 25 per cent short and 73 per cent very short.
Hot, dry conditions have resulted in reduced pasture growth in many areas. Provincially, pasture conditions are rated as 19 per cent fair, 35 per cent poor and 46 per cent very poor.
The majority of crop damage this week was due to heat, drought stress and wind. Some areas of the province saw some hail storms that varied in intensity and duration, with some minor damage occurring. Grasshoppers are still an issue in many parts of the province but most producers are unable to deal with them now that harvest has started. They hope to get the crop off before too much more damage is done.