Elections Canada Shares Details on How to Vote By Mail or Special Ballot for this Federal Election

Marie-France Kenny with Elections Canada says if you decide to vote by mail or special ballot, it is not when you’re mailing it in, it is about the ballot arriving in Ottawa by 6 p.m. on Election Day or to a polling station in your riding by end of poll September 20th.  That special ballot can also be dropped off at an Elections Canada office. There is also the options of Advance voting or voting in person on election day.

Once you apply to vote by mail or special ballot you can’t vote any other way, you have to vote by that special ballot you will not be able to cast a separate ballot on election day or in advance polls.
The deadline to request a special ballot or mail in ballot is September 14th local time.  And if you want to vote by mail, you can apply online right now but you will need to know who the candidates are for your riding because you have to write down the name of the actual candidate you are going to vote for.

Kenny says regardless of how you’re going to vote you are going to need to prove your address and your identity.  She says for example a health card with your picture and a phone bill would suffice, as would a passport or driver’s license paired with a debit card or bank statement.


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