- As of January 6th, there are 913 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the total to 88,638 reported cases
- Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 Dashboard can be found here.
- The new cases are located in the Far North West (6), Far North East (3), North West (24), North Central (14), North East (14), Saskatoon (432), Central West (14), Central East (47), Regina (198), South West (18), South Central (27) and South East (50) zones and 66 new cases have pending residence information
- Nine (9) cases were assigned to the North West (from January 1 (3)), Central East (from January 3 (1)), Regina (from December 31 (1), January 1 (1), January 2 (1)), South Central (from January 2 (1)), and South East (from January 2 (1)) zones
- 17 SK residents tested positive out-of-province were added to the case counts in the Far North West (from January 2 (1)), Saskatoon (from January 2 (1), January 3 (3), January 4 (3)), Regina (from December 25 (2), January 3 (4), January 4 (2)), and South East (from January 3 (1)) zones
- 88,638 cases are confirmed
- 21,831 cases are from the Saskatoon area
- 20,524 cases are from the North area (9,078 North West, 8,490 North Central, 2,956 North East)
- 17,801 cases are from the Regina area
- 11,263 cases are from the South area (2,333 South West, 3,360 South Central, 5,570 South East)
- 9,496 cases are from the Far North area (4,464 Far North West, 541 Far North Central, 4,491 Far North East)
- 6,849 cases are from the Central area (1,602 Central West, 5,247 Central East)
- 874 cases have pending residence information
- 5,235 cases are considered active and 82,442 cases are considered recovered
- Almost one-half (46.1%) of new cases are in the age category of 20 to 39
- No (0) new case eligible for vaccination (aged 5 years and older) was fully vaccinated
- As of January 6th, a total of 100 individuals are hospitalized, including 88 inpatient hospitalizations and 12 ICU hospitalizations. Of the 100 patients, 50 (50.0%) were not fully vaccinated.
- The SHA dashboard includes 100 hospitalizations: of those, 42 in-patient hospitalizations are a COVID-19-related illness, 39 are incidental, asymptomatic infections and seven (7) have not yet been determined. Twelve (12) residents are in ICUs and one (1) of those is an incidental, asymptomatic infection.
- One (1) new death reported today. 961 Saskatchewan residents with COVID-19 have died, with a case fatality rate of 1.1%.
- 1,345,195 COVID-19 tests have been performed in the province. As of January 4, 2022, when other provincial and national numbers are available from PHAC, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 1,134,543 tests performed per million population and was lower than the national rate of 1,399,555 tests performed per million population.
- The 7-day average of new COVID-19 case numbers was 597 (49.5 new cases per 100,000).
- Since January 1, the New Cases by Vaccination Status table has shown a significant number of new cases as unvaccinated. This data is under review to ensure that the reports are accurate.
(Photo: Government of Saskatchewan)