Saskatchewan RCMP officers responded to 6,658 calls for service during the week of May 16-22.
Saturday (21st) had the highest call volume at 1,316.
Among them was 186 for assault, 5 for robbery, 8 related to firearms, 2 for kidnapping/forceible confinement, and 124 for harrassment/uttering threats.
Police also responded to 133 calls for a collision, 9 for dangerous driving, and 105 impaired-related offences.
There were 87 reports of impaired drivers, 91 calls for break-and-enter, 236 theft-related calls, and 519 calls for mischief.
Under calls for non-offences, there were 226 false alarms, 305 for assistance, 108 breach of peace, 165 calls for mental health, and 19 non-suspicious deaths.
146 calls were made for bail violations, 40 for breach of probation, 30 failure to comply/to appear, and 160 for disturbing the peace.
The full breakdown from the previous is below.
Divisional Operational Communications Centre(does not include calls for service by the public directly to local RCMP detachments) | |
Calls for service total May 16-22 | 6,658 |
Highest volume of calls for service was on May 21, 2022 | 1,316 |
Reports of Impaired Drivers (RID calls) | 87 |
Homicide | 1 |
Homicides year to date (January, 2022 to last day encompassed in this report)**A suspicious death reported to Saskatchewan RCMP on April 15 is now being investigated by Saskatoon Police Service and has therefore been removed from the Saskatchewan RCMP’s year-to-date statistics. | 7 |
Sexual assaults | 10 |
Sexual crime – other (invitation to sexual touching, sexual interference) | 11 |
Aggravated Assault | 6 |
Assault | 186 |
Assault with weapon or causing bodily harm | 61 |
Robbery | 5 |
Firearms (use of in the commission of an offence, discharge with intent, pointing a firearm) | 8 |
Kidnapping/forcible confinement | 2 |
Harassment/uttering threats | 124 |
Other persons offences (domestic or family dispute, criminal negligence causing bodily harm, extortion with firearm, mischief – danger to life, etc.) | 35 |
Break and Enter Total | 91 |
Number of break and enters to a business | 13 |
Number of break and enters to a residence | 52 |
Number of other break and enters (encompasses sheds, storage containers, unattached garages, etc.) | 26 |
Theft Total | 236 |
Other theft over $5,000 | 33 |
Theft $5,000 or under | 173 |
Number of theft of motor vehicle | 30 |
Mischief | 519 |
Number of mischief – damage to property | 143 |
Number of mischief – obstruct enjoyment of property (example: unwanted, intoxicated person at a residence) | 376 |
Bail violations | 146 |
Breach of probation | 40 |
Failure to appear/comply | 30 |
Disturbing the peace | 160 |
Reports of intimate partner and family violence
January 2022 | |
Intimate partner violence | 339 |
Family violence | 320 |
February 2022 | |
Intimate partner violence | 332 |
Family violence | 352 |
March 2022 | |
Intimate partner violence | 389 |
Family violence | 395 |
Total intimate partner violence January- March, 2022 | 1060 |
Total family violence January- March, 2022 | 1067 |
Traffic | |
Impaired-related offences | 105 |
Number of roadside suspensions | 8 |
Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle | 17 |
Speeding (this does not include automated speed enforcement fines issued) | 1611 |
Fines issued | 1029 |
Warnings issued (education-focused interaction between police and public) |
582 |
Collisions | 133 |
Dangerous driving | 9 |
Fatal collisions (number of incidents, not victims) | 1 |
Non-offence Codes (generally, instances where Criminal Codes or Provincial/Federal Statutes aren’t broken – for example abandoned vehicles, animal calls, school visits, property or wellbeing checks, etc.) | |
Assistance | 305 |
False alarms | 226 |
Breach of peace | 108 |
911 Act – other activities | 227 |
Suspicious person/vehicle/property | 203 |
Mental health act (generally, police officers responding to reports of persons thinking about suicide, or people with mental illness and requiring assistance): | 165 |
Non-suspicious sudden deaths/Coroner’s Act (Every non-suspicious sudden death police officers respond to including reports of persons who died by suicide, natural, accident or undetermined. Specific breakdowns by cause of death are unavailable.) | 19 |