Notes from the Manitoba Crop Report (July 9,2024)

• Climate normals for total accumulated precipitation from May 1 to July 7 range from 116.8 mm to 204.9 mm and are based on 30-year historical data. The Central, Northwest, and Eastern regions have accumulated the most precipitation so far this season. With recent rainfall events, precipitation accumulation in most areas have exceeded 130% of normal precipitation since May 1.

• The majority of agro-Manitoba is showing wet or very wet soil moisture conditions at the surface depths.

• Fall rye and winter wheat are at the soft dough stage with the most advanced fields ripening.

• Grain corn growth stage ranges from V6 to V8. 

• Spring wheat is reported to be from flag to heading stage with fungicide application for fusarium head blight occurring. 

• Spring wheat quality is rated mostly fair to good with about 10% of the crop being reported as poor in the Northwest, Central, and Interlake regions

• Canola growth stage ranges from the rosette to flowering stage. With fungicide application for sclerotina occurring. 

• Sunflowers are at the V8 to V12 growth stage with R1 stage being reported. Flax crops ranged from growth stage 5 to 7.

• Field peas have reached the R1-R2 stage, with some fungicide application occurring for mycosphaerella blight. 

• Soybean growth stage ranges from second to fourth trifoliate with flowering being reported on earliest fields. Overall crop development is delayed with producers looking for warmer conditions to drive the crop forward. 

• Iron deficiency chlorosis continues to show up in some fields. 

• Dry beans are in third to fourth trifoliate stage. 

• Rain events continue to make field access difficult and are not allowing for sufficient drying time of cut forages. Progress on first-cut harvest of hayfields is behind and producers are concerned about both the quantity and quality of harvested feed that will be available this winter. Producers have turned to bale wrapping to make silage bales as drying conditions have been difficult.

• Putting up dry hay has been extremely challenging with the moisture received in most areas. Initial yields are reporting normal to above average yields if able to get dry hay up. 

• Grasses have headed out except for big blue stem and little blue stem grasses. The hay crop is exceptionally good, although there’s hope for a break in the rains during the cut. 

• Alfalfa fields are in mid to late bloom and forage with plentiful yield; forage quality is being compromised due to accessibility issues and will continue to decline as plants mature. 

• Pastures are looking good, with lots of grass available for grazing. Bulls have been placed with cows. Areas in the Northwest region are reporting pastures and hayfields that are heavily saturated with ongoing rains. 

• Increased insect pressure and fly control, potential for foot rot, and pinkeye are the main animal health issues. Cattle on pasture are in good condition with the increased chance of disease due to insect pressures. 

• Dugouts and irrigation ponds are mostly recharged, with many rivers full, and some ditches with standing water in them.

(Government of Manitoba)

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